If you are someone that travels a lot for work or pleasure, you are likely going to find the need to bring your laptop with you at some point. Bringing a laptop can be a hassle considering the effort it takes to get the laptop out of your bag and back in it while going through security. Choosing the best backpack to carry your 17 inch laptop in is not an easy task. Because of this, a lot of laptop bag manufacturers have made laptop bags and backpacks. Thus, you might be interested in purchasing one to make your trip easier. Below, we will be going over some of the key tips for finding the top laptop backpack to purchase.
1. Size
The main thing that you are likely going to be considering when you are looking to make a purchase of a laptop backpack would be the size of the bag. This is going to be very important for multiple reasons. Not only are you likely going to have specific requirements based on how big your laptop is, to begin with, but it is likely going to be determined by how big you want the bag to be based on portability as well. Once you have determined the right size of the bag, you can move onto other factors.
2. Price
Another major thing that is likely going to dictate what bag you end up purchasing is the price of the bag that you are considering getting. Ideally, you want to find a bag that fits well within your budget and price range. That way, you will be able to find a bag that is going to be something that you can afford and something that is not going to break the bank. Along with this, you want to find the bag that is going to provide the most ‘bang for your buck.’
3. Reviews
When you are searching for your options, you should look closely at the reviews that each backpack is getting from previous customers. By doing this, you should be able to see what bags are worth purchasing and what bags might not live up to the hype. You want to really look at individual reviews whenever making a purchase like this because you can generally get great information that you can use to make better purchasing decisions such as information on usability, functionality, durability, and more. Because people generally talk about their individual experiences, you should be able to use the information that you are able to gather to make a better purchasing decision.
4. Materials
Another thing that you will want to at least consider when you are trying to pick and choose the right backpack to purchase would be the material make up of the bag that you are looking at. By considering the material make up of the bag, you will be able to get a good read on whether or not the bag is going to be worth purchasing or if it is not going to be able to handle the trips you typically go on.
5. Warranty
Whenever buying a backpack or a laptop bag for travel, you always want to factor in the warranty because you never know when the bag is going to have problems with it. Some bags are simply not built to last. Thus, you want to be sure that you are going to be fully covered with a good warranty if the bag you end up purchasing is one that is not built for the long haul. While a warranty is certainly not as good as getting a high quality and indestructible bag, to begin with, it is going to be a great way to protect your purchase.
By following the tips above and narrowing down your options based on the criteria above, you should be able to figure out what bag is going to be best to purchase for your specific needs. You want to really look at the different bags and determine which bags offer you the best value for your money in order to make the right purchasing decisions. You should be able to find the right bag to purchase using this criterion.
Now that you got the perfect laptop backpack, its time to choose a laptop that goes with it. After all, what is a laptop backpack without a laptop? Maybe you have an older machine that you want to replace, or just want to simply buy one? Check out Tibco’s 17 inch laptop list.